Why choose a mother bike?
Years ago I chose a mother’s bike And although the front seat has been removed, the rear seat is still on it and this mother’s bike will stay. Even though the boys are getting older and cycling by themselves most of the time these days. I cannot live without my bike anymore and that is purely because of its ease of use.
Wedding gift
When my husband and I met, we had both been living on our own for a long time. So when we bought our house we had two sets of furniture. Since we actually – already had everything- we were not so sure what we would ask our parents as a wedding gift. However, we came from Amsterdam and both still had an old city bike. With the arrival of the eldest, I realized I really needed to find a replacement for this, so we both asked our parents for a bicycle as a wedding gift.
I chose dryback.
I was well informed beforehand and knew what I wanted for a mother’s bike. After a few visits to the bike store, it became the Gazelle Bloom. Meanwhile, I have had my bike for over eight years.
Every day I am happy with the choice I made then.
Why is this mother’s bike so ideal for me:
- For on the bicycle, where your child has its hands there is a soft edge, if it falls asleep while cycling, your child’s head will be soft.
- The handlebars can be fixed with a simple turning movement. This makes it easy to put your child in the front seat. But even now with heavy shopping bags it is easy.
- Because of the double stand, the bike can hardly fall over and is stable when you put your children on the bike.
- The shape of the bike means you don’t get stuck with your knee and the front child seat ( ideal with my long legs)
- Still an ideal bike. I do all my shopping on my bike. The low step trough makes it easy to cycle away with full bags.
- Because the frame is thick, the bike feels stable. I especially liked this when I cycled with both children in the seats.
Even though the boys usually cycle by themselves, the bike is still ideal here for me. Not only because I received it as a gift, but I enjoy it every day.